Friday, July 6, 2012

Conversations need to re-focus. . .

I had some data brought to my attention today.  Since I was not sure who had compiled the data, I decided to go to the one source that would be most accurate, the US Census.  This is the report I found.  I think we need to change the conversation in eduction to "what we can do" rather than "what we can't do."  It is a paradigm shift.  It changes how we approach our issues.

I also think we should start talking about the success we have had over the last decade.  Is all this uproar (i.e. teacher effectiveness, test scores, accountability) about who can have the largest part of the money pie?  I have witnessed personally a lot of waste in finances.  With the advent of Bill Gates and Race To The Top, is the uproar over who gets the cash?  I have seen many people paid many dollars for "new" educational practices that are not all successful, and some that are just not practical.

Again, when are they going to ask the people who do the job what is best to help the students succeed?  Research for many years, and practical experience have given us the answer over and over again.  Smaller classes, more teachers.  Done.  Hmmm, that didn't cost much.

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