Monday, July 22, 2013

Back To School

It is that time of year again!

Gearing up and returning to school for teachers means that we are required to complete our Professional Development trainings.  I have a required 24 clock hours to complete.  I am sure other schools across the US require something very similar.

As is usually the case, one of our professional development days is allocated to our central office and is used to inform us of any changes that we need to be aware of or any initiatives that will be occurring this school year.  Our individual schools will host other professional developments for each staff. 

I am not entirely sure of how other teachers feel about their professional developments or planning for the opening of school, but sometimes I feel like my administrator blind folds me, leads me into a totally pitch dark room and leaves me there with instructions to find the light switch.  Sometimes I really feel like I am trying to feel my way along the wall for the switch.

I am the type of person, that wants at least 2 to 3 weeks lesson plans complete, so that I will not be overwhelmed and can just make necessary modifications as the need arises.  A lack of communication about what days are going to be used for which activities leaves me lost.  I am not sure when to begin teaching content because I am not sure what we are doing for the first three days of school.  So, yet another year has arrived, when I am again at this spot.  I do not have the authority to correct the situation, although, I have the knowledge and ability to correct it; communicate scheduled activities and plans so that the staff can begin planning their content and allocating resources in their classrooms.

I know that this information I want will not be forthcoming early and I should just step back and let it come when it does; it would be far less frustrating for me if I did just that.

I remember one of the lines from the movie, O Brother Where Art Thou . . ."gentlemen what you do not want in a conversation . . . .(pause) is dead air."  Yes, what I do not want is dead air.

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