The culture and climate of a school has significant impact on student and teacher learning. What does that mean? How does the school operate? What are the actions of school administrators and teachers that define the culture and climate?
To the best of my knowledge, I believe that every school has a mission and a vision statement. Some schools also have belief statements. That is great, and if the school's action reflect those statements it is even better, and is exactly how it should be. . .
For the most part though, many students, teachers and even school personnel can not quote any of those things if asked.
What will tell you more about a school than any statement that they have published are the actions and words of school staffs and administrators. This will give you some indication of the culture and climate. Are the actions and words about student learning? Are the actions and words about success on the test? What is the language used to describe the school? How are you greeted when you visit a school? What do you see people
doing when you come in to a school building? What is the "business as
usual scenario?"
The culture and climate of a school can be anything from an enriching learning environment to a culture of a circus or to a rule of a tyrant or to be extremely toxic to professionals and students. Who is in charge in the school? It is not always the administrator. A weak administrator allows others to not only influence critical decisions but to also actually make them. A weak administrator leads to teacher burn out, turn over in staff, discipline issues of students, poor communication with the community and poor decisions for the school as a whole.
EVERYTHING that happens in the school goes directly back to the Principal's chair. The principal is the one person in the building who can make changes. . .albeit, good or bad. All actions of the school are directly related to the principal and their decisions and actions.